Con estos compañeros me he ido hoy a esquiar. Fuimos a probar su nuevo material y a reengrasar las rodillas.
Anduve dividido, esperando por el pequeño y tratando de sujetar al mayor, que quería tirarse de frente. La verdad es que ha sido un día muy agradable en Pajares, además con muy poca gente, pues pocos fuimos los que nos atrevimos a desafiar al temporal (que ya había pasado) y por tanto con nada de colas.
No tengo foto del día, con intentar que no se me perdiese ninguno, no tuve tiempo para más, y se me olvidó la cámara. La que veis es del Tourmalet.
Por cierto, la nieve estupenda. Lo siento por los que no vinieron, porque se han perdido un día excepcional de esquí.
Traducción de Yahoo Translator:
"With these companions I have been going away today to ski. We went to prove its new material and to reengrasar the knees.
I walked divided, hoping by the small one and trying to hold to the major, that wanted to throw itself front. The truth is that it has been a very pleasant day in Barns, in addition with very little people, because few we went those that we dared to defy to the weather (that already had happened) and therefore with anything of tails.
I do not have photo of the day, with trying that no was lost to me, I did not have time for more, and the camera forgot to me. The one that you see it is of the Tourmalet.
By the way, the wonderful snow. I feel it by that they did not come, because there are lost an exceptional day of ski."
¡Para fiarse de ellos!